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  • This is LK-2, recently re-designed by Nexus Sabers for more accuracy, inspired by Luke's lightsaber from ROTJ (Ep6) with actual working LEDs on the side of the button box. 


    • When an order is placed, a confirmation email is automatically sent. If you placed an order and don't see the confirmation email, please check your spams.

    • Please note that the time set when you chose the delivery option is for transport only. Orders usually take 2 to 20 working days to be prepared and sent, plus the shipping time.


    • Custom and weathered versions need 5 to 10 working days more than usual. Weathering and customizing are all handcrafted and results may not have a "factory finish" but rather an "artisanal" rendering.


    • RGBx sabers come with a rount-tip blade, Xenopixel and Proffie sabers come with a bullet-tip blade.


    PriceFrom €220.00
    Excluding VAT
    • 303 mm

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